Latest Performance

I'm a small-town poet in both written word and performance. I'm more influenced by rock and roll but I am also a lit-chick full of curiosity. My influences are far and wide and I can find writing inspiration in anything, from important matters to pure whimsy.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sorry I've Been so Quiet

I've been very busy with this literature course. I'm preparing to write a story/novella for a final project, on top of the other assignments. It's a final project so I'm going to be busy with that. I'll admit I've been slacking with submissions because of this class.

Plus there is a possibility that my Father might have lung cancer, which has left me in a state of worry for the past week. I'll find out tomorrow if he actually has cancer or not, but the waiting part is straining.

I guess I'm just going to be a bit quieter here. I'll still continue to write and the July show is still on. If I don't have much for material I'll most certainly bring some poetry books to share poems from. For readers in the neighborhood I'll still be out and about as I have been. I'll attend what art openings and shows I can paying job and school permitting. I feel in a time like this it's probably best I am out and about. The world still moves on even if you're sulky. I will update if anything happens (writing wise, etc.), but this blog will probably be quiet for a little bit. You can follow me on twitter if you want, I'll be more likely to update that with anything small and/or random. In the meantime don't be alarmed if I'm not updating regularly.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

First Art Walk

The First Art Walk of the season was an awesome experience. It was a beautiful day which made the event even better. Wandered all over town taking it all in. Live music, gallery showings etc. There was a book release at the Adirondack Artist's Guild for a cookbook of local recipes featuring some of these recipes prepared for tasting.

The art machine was a blazing success! Every time I went by it I saw a crowd of people. 2/3 of the art was sold that day so there is a call for more contributions. It will only run at certain times fully supervised, because there are times the machine jams up. I even put some coins in for a few pieces. It's almost like Christmas because each box is a surprise. Apparently the Village Justice got one of my poems. An artist friend of mine got one of my handwritten pieces. I can't wait for the next art walk.

Today has been a good day so far. I went to the village farmer's market for some honey and iced wildflower tea. Afterward I went to one of the many little parks dotting the village and sat in the shade with my homework. It looks like it might storm later, glad to have spent some time outside in the fresh air. My porch garden is beginning to bloom too, already the planters are overflowing. I even have plants growing from under one of the pots. Seems some seeds were under the pot but exposed enough for sunlight. It looks odd, but kind of cool.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Shows and Such

Thursday's show went over very well. I am very pleased with how things turned out. Turnout was small, but everyone who attended was very enthusiastic and helpful. I live for nights like that actually, they fuel me as an artist.

In other news I have been slacking with submissions. Mainly because I've been in a writing slump of sorts. I've been filling it in with related work. I have performances uploaded on YouTube and Viddler now, and I'll have Steve make buttons on the main page for those sites. I've done some journal reading and once I have appropriate poems ready I will send in my submissions.

Tomorrow evening I'll be attending the box-stuffing party at the 7444 Gallery to help prepare the art dispensing machine for the first art walk. Grand unveiling is Thursday and four quarters will get you something wonderful.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Summer Series Starts Tonight!

Tonight will be the inaugural show of my summer series. Anyone is invited to read whether you're a writer or want to share the work of your favorite writer(s)! Shows will be the second Thursday of every month June through September, and the best part is they're free! We read outside weather permitting, and if the weather is still rainy then the gallery space upstairs is free. Hopefully by next month I'll have use of the outdoor stage to throw these shindigs.

Until then I'm trying to hustle today. Upload a bunch of videos onto YouTube and Viddler. Hoping to make a fb fanpage for my work and have them all linked from here. My tech guy is feeling not-so-well mindwise today. That's how it usually works though, days I'm psyched he's dragging, but on days he's psyched I'm the one slacking off.

I also have to admit that I am such a nerd. Against better judgment I've started another game of Final Fantasy XII. For those who don't know it takes approximately 400 hours of gameplay to get the most out of the game, as in side quests and extra goodies. Less if you're going with a straightforward game. Last time I played I had much more free time on my hands. My internship was postponed and I only had my paying job to work with. It was my pre-performance days since open mic started late that year. It's good relaxation though in between all the other things I've been doing.

Open Mic All-Star the other night was fantastic. Everyone was great that night and I was so happy to see everyone. Picked up some photos of Steve and I performing taken by BluSeed artist in residence Shaun Ondak, seriously this guy is amazing. He's a wonderful photographer and he plays the digeridoo.

The art dispenser is almost up and running too! Tuesday night is a box-stuffing party to prepare the machine for its unveiling. It will be up on June 17, the first Art Walk of the season. For just four quarters you can get a piece of art, one of my poems or coupons from Pendragon Theatre for shows. I urge anyone in the neighborhood to use the machine!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Upcoming Events

Well tonight I attended SCTY's opening, I learned about it last night. Fantastic show, interesting and whimsical art. Very fun and surreal. I met SCTY member Joshua Ray, and he's an awesome fellow. I wish I could have stayed longer at the gallery but my paying job needed me to save the day. Scheduling there will be a pain for a while, so long as I have a couple certain evenings off next week it's good.

I have two performances. On Tuesday I will be reading at the Open Mic All-Star Invitational/fundraiser event at BluSeed Studios. Then on Thursday I will be back at BluSeed for the first of my summer shows. In conjunction there will also be a paper-making social. For ten dollars you can make your own paper from fabric based pulp. There aren't many places around here where you can make paper. Whether you want to write on it or do some pulp painting (using different colored pulps for abstract creations). I might have a go at it as well depending on time.

In the meantime I've been keeping busy with school and journal submission things. I've had to give myself two weeks for this latest read through/submission because of how much I had to read for my class last week. So long as work to keep myself on track I won't mind the occasional delay. If I'm productive that's what counts.
