Latest Performance

I'm a small-town poet in both written word and performance. I'm more influenced by rock and roll but I am also a lit-chick full of curiosity. My influences are far and wide and I can find writing inspiration in anything, from important matters to pure whimsy.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

It has been a busy couple months for me.
My trip to Florida was great, and I got some inspiration for new material. I'm hoping I can have drafts I'm satisfied with done soon. Open mic at BluSeed is coming up in two weeks.

I started my internship mid-September. I'm doing arts and entertainment writing and photo coverage. It's been a lot of work, but it's a blast. I'm very glad I'm doing it. Right now I'm working on an article for a Rett Syndrome benefit concert in my town next weekend. My latest articles have to do with the Laramie Epilogue since two local theaters are participating, and an art showing at a local gallery.

I will be working on an article next week about a poetry show featuring renowned performance poets. Two of which were featured on Def Poetry Jam. They're participating as educators in a high school writers' retreat, and after are performing at BluSeed, oddly enough the night after I read my work at open mic. It brings back memories, it was a show very much like this in spring of 08 that got me into writing again.

Yeah, been busy but life is good. I don't know if I'll be doing my own shows since my schedule is already pretty full. It's nice to sit back and let others do the organizing so I just get to read and enjoy the other performers at the open mics. Open mic nights are a great experience, I get to meet so many talented people there. The atmosphere is so friendly and welcoming, anybody can pretty much take the stage there and not worry about being booed off. I've had my misses in terms of reading bad poems onstage, but nobody is discouraging. They'll just encourage you if you have something good.
