Latest Performance

I'm a small-town poet in both written word and performance. I'm more influenced by rock and roll but I am also a lit-chick full of curiosity. My influences are far and wide and I can find writing inspiration in anything, from important matters to pure whimsy.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Bats, Crickets and Extra Hours Oh My!

Had an eventful week since my last reading.
The reading itself was not much of a reading. Only one person showed up, someone else had asked about it but was nowhere to be seen at the time of the reading. Still read a few of my latest pieces since the person who did show up is a writer as well. It's always good to connect with others and share ideas and thoughts on writing.

I had figured a night where there were already things going on would guarantee an audience. Unfortunately it seems that people are too tired after the initial goings on of the day. Plus the tourist crowd didn't seem to take interest either. Upon suggestions from some of my acquaintances I've spoken with, I'm going to hold the next reading on a nondescript evening again since there seems to be a better turnout. Just take one of my newer flier designs and change the date on it and it's set to print and post. I should have a more regular schedule for these things starting in the fall.

Had a long weekend at work, night shifts can be interesting to say the least. Got dive-bombed by a bag in the entrance of my building a few nights ago. Had a minor basement-cricket problem as well, only found out about it when the cats started chasing them around the apartment. The room they seemed to be in has been sprayed and I haven't seen a cricket in a couple days. Worked one of my days off to help a co worker who injured herself. Just got a call from another co worker with a medical emergency. Would have helped if I hadn't worked six days in a row already. This is the first day I can actually catch up on all my work. If I hadn't had to work the other day I may have been able to come in tonight. I feel bad, but I had no pressure on the request since I came to someone's aid earlier this week.

And to think this all happens once I start regrouping myself writing-wise. I've been trying to go over one journal a week to determine what poems I can submit where, if at all. Yet with everything else I just haven't had the time until today.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Shows etc.

Have another show tonight, hoping for good weather. There's thunderstorm warnings for today.
I've also planned out my events for August, and they coincide with other local events happening earlier in the day. Fliers are also ready as well, soon as the black ink order comes in I can print and post the next set.

I also need to get off my duff, so to speak, and crack down on sending in submissions. I've grown lazy, downright distracted. I could say it's the ADD, but my parents said to never use it as a cop-out for anything. I'm just distracted. I think it's because it's not as structured as say, making open commitments to others (events) or school or a paying job. Maybe I'll do better if I actually structure a schedule for myself, have a period where I go over a journal and send my own work in. Plus reading in public is more gratifying at this point in time. As shy as I can be, I do enjoy getting out there and talking amongst others.

Time for me to get some rest, I've been running around all day. I need to recharge for tonight.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Events, Rejections, etc

On a good note, I've got my events planned out for the rest of the summer. I'll design fliers soon so I can just print and post when it's time to change the fliers for the next event.

My last event had a smaller turnout, but all attendants were writers. Things will gain momentum as I hold these. People will tell their friends and pretty soon I hope I can see plenty of people showing up.

I also got my second rejection letter. Just gotta keep trying. I'm going to read through another journal and send in a submission in between all the other things I've been doing.

I know that this is a career where letting yourself become discouraged is a way to kill a career. I could always just sink back into the shadows and only write for myself, but what's the fun in making something when I don't feel like sharing it? I just remind myself that I do have fans in my little town. I am working in an under-represented and under-appreciated art. At the same time it's something that shows the human spirit is thriving. For all I know I could end up being the poet who makes the NYT bestseller list, or I'll just remain a poet who is appreciated in whichever community I live in. The point is to just keep going, no matter where I end up. If I bring other writers in my town out to share their work, then I know I've done something good.
